Tag Archives: book review

Miss Matthews, English Dominatrix, Reviews Porn Panic

Miss Matthews (pictured here) has just published an entertaining (and flattering) review of my book, Porn Panic, to her blog, Stripy Scarf. Porn Panic can be ordered at Amazon and your favourite book shop, and is available in paperback and Kindle versions. Signed paperback copies are also available to people who support me via Patreon. Donations help me devote more time to campaigning against censorship and attacks on liberal values, and in particular will help me create more regular content for my Sex & Censorship YouTube Channel.

The review begins…

“From the lurid title and cartoon cover you might not expect to find within these pages a detailed, history and compelling analysis of liberalism, pornography, censorship and feminism, from pre-historic times via the enlightenment; the post-1945 socialist triumphs of universal education and healthcare and the welfare state, to the present day: yet that’s what Porn Panic delivers, in accessible, humorous chunks, liberally spiced with illuminating examples and personal anecdotes. Jerry Barnett’s style is funny, intelligent, coherent and lucid,  while the arguments he presents are fascinating and frequently unanswerable.”

Click here to read the whole review at Stripy Scarf…


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